Monday, March 31, 2008


This is a test of the MMPH blog. I'm trying to see if MMPH actually READS her blog. If she does, I know she'll post a comment. If she doesn't....well, the comment section will be blank.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Miranda and Alan communicating

Ah, it is a wonderful thing to see a child and her father communicating.

Photo: September 13, 2004

Miranda and Grandma

It warms my heart to see how
Miranda likes to cuddle.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Miranda and Eyore

It's nice to see that Miranda still enjoys characters from her childhood. (I still have two rabbits in my livingroom that are in little costumes.) And it cracks me up that sometimes Miranda talks with the same cadance that Eyore does.

Miranda and Anna December 1996

I love this photo....and I love how she is holding onto my thumb.

The thing ya gotta know about Miranda is.......

The thing ya gotta remember about Miranda is that what she does not have in physical height, she more than makes up with attitude. That is one feisty, opinionated, intelligent, spunky, kid.
I know she's going to grow up to be an amazing woman. And I've know some incredible women who are not tall. (Dr. Lacayanga, the pediatrician, was under 5 feet tall. Dr. Glantz, the neurologist, is just over 5 feet but she wears heels.) Height is not what makes a person interesting to know or fun to be around.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I hadn't noticed!

I know you had to be there to appreciate this, but I busted a gut this week and have to share this. We're looking at growth charts and plotting where the kids are now. Miranda, again, is below the third percentile. WAAAYYY below. I explained to her about the many lines on the chart and that the bottom line meant that 97% of girls her age were bigger.

She thrust her hip out to one side with hand on top, tipped her head, and said with a snotty voice, "Gee, I HADN'T noticed, Mom!!"

positional happiness...

Miranda reading upside down

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Miranda reading

A blog of Miranda would just have to have a few photos of her this is one of her favorite hobbies.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Miss Fashion-Sense

Note how she is able to pull together jewelry, colors, etc to all come together and look totally chic. My niece, Miss Fashion-Sense. If we ever get her into quilting- she is going to come up with some awesome colors!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Drawn March 14, 2008.
Drawn during history.

Miranda doing push-ups

"Miranda has some serious definition going on!"
Tom, Silver Swim Team Coach

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jan and Miranda

Notice how Aunt Jan challenges MMPH to greater heights....maybe MMPH should return the favor and encourage Aunt Jan to create her OWN BLOG!!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Miranda with glasses

It is a life lesson to learn ---that beauty is something within and when your light shines ---this is the real beauty. Glasses, makeup, fancy feathers---oh, they can make one FEEL beautiful, but when one smiles,
I mean REALLY smiles genuinely....AHHH, that is real beauty. (like the smile she has in the tree at Buck Lake photo) and it just makes one want to smile back and feel good about the world!
And my niece is one beautiful girl.
from Aunt Bev

Miranda 2002 - ish

I think the concept of a blog could be fun and Miranda is full of interesting being so peaceful with the dogs and cats that she interacts with.....and the photography she has shared with her family. I look forward to her contributions!
Aunt Bev

This girl warms the cockle-burrs of my heart!!

Ya gotta love a kid who takes to a gift so enthusiastically. Several years ago, when she was much younger, I sent her this book, apparently a classic children's book on Greek mythology (according to At the time, I thought it was perhaps too advanced for her. The vocabulary might be too difficult or the stories too unsettling for her. But she LOVED it. She's read it multiple times and entered a phase of reading mythology and fairy tales.

Albert Einstein said "If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be VERY intelligent, read them more fairly tales.

Miranda: The Water Girl

June 28, 2004
Miranda and the Nevada "twins" at Silver Falls State Park in Oregon. Miranda loves water and it's almost like a native environment for her. She is in the silver team at the Poulsbo Swim Team and has excellent times in her meets with the ribbons to prove it.

Starting a blog for MMPH

Well, the Hoffers have a family blog and 3 of the kids have their own, but Miranda doesn't. Now she apparently said she didn't want one, but I just think it's wrong for her not to have one, so I told her I was going to start one for her and she said OK (not with a lot of enthusiasm but at least she didn't say no.)

Here's a photo to start with taken Nov 4, 2004. It seems appropriate since this week Patti took the ENTIRE family one afternoon to the opthamologist for six (!!!) eye appointments. Miranda apparently has some sort of nerve thing....I can't remember, but whatever. (That's what Miranda would say: "Whatever") Anyway everyone is getting new glasses. She looks pretty cute in this pair from 4 years ago too.