Well, the Hoffers have a family blog and 3 of the kids have their own, but Miranda doesn't. Now she apparently said she didn't want one, but I just think it's wrong for her not to have one, so I told her I was going to start one for her and she said OK (not with a lot of enthusiasm but at least she didn't say no.)
Here's a photo to start with taken Nov 4, 2004. It seems appropriate since this week Patti took the ENTIRE family one afternoon to the opthamologist for six (!!!) eye appointments. Miranda apparently has some sort of nerve thing....I can't remember, but whatever. (That's what Miranda would say: "Whatever") Anyway everyone is getting new glasses. She looks pretty cute in this pair from 4 years ago too.
She has a large optic nerve, which apparently makes her more at risk for glaucoma. When the opthamalogist casually said, "It's too bad that we don't know anything about her family history..." I just wanted to cry. Somewhere in the world, two people fix breakfast, go to work, talk to their friends and have no idea of this incredible child they made. It makes me cry.
welcom aboard Miranda.You can relate to your greatmother grandma Andy who had glaucoma and two of her sisters.Lets hope yours doesn't get that bad.I'll keep praying for you love grandma
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